Offre d'emploi

Consultancy research

Référence 148683
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 15 Mai 2024
Offre visitée 612 fois
Juridique, Fiscal, Audit, Conseil
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Description de l'offre

Nature of the consultancy:
The Consultancy [Category B] envisions the research and production of a report consisting of the following: through selected pilot countries of origin and destination, rapid assessment of the labour mobility dynamics and governance mechanisms along the labour migration corridor from West and Central Africa countries to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Based on the above, key recommendations will be put forward highlighting opportunities and challenges, in line with existing guidance materials and tools as well as international labour standards and human rights instruments.

2. Project Context and Scope:
The consultancy is part of the “Joint Labour Migration Programme” (JLMP) implemented by the African Union, IOM, ILO and UNECA through the financial support of the Government of Sweden, the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Germany. The JLMP is a long-term joint undertaking among the four organizations in coordination with other relevant partners operating in Africa, including development cooperation actors, private sector organizations and civil society representatives. It is the instrument dedicated to the implementation of the 5th Key Priority Area of the Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development which was adopted by the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments (AU/Assembly/AU/20(XXIV)/Annex 3, January 2015) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing: Labour Mobility Division - Joint Labour Migration Programme (ET10P0630 / 0472)

6. Category B Consultants: Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment

The Category B Consultant will have the responsibility of developing a report: “Stocktaking on labour mobility between West African countries and the Gulf: the case of Ghana, Sierra Leone and Chad”. The report will focus on three different migration corridors between selected West and Central African countries of origin and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries of destination. These are still to be defined.

In particular, the consultant will be responsible for:

A methodology report for the development of the
Elaboration of an ecosystem assessment of labour migration to the Gulf along selected corridors focusing on three pilot origin countries in West and Central African countries (Chad, Ghana, Sierra Leone) and three destination countries within the GCC (to be confirmed).
Development of an introductory chapter on labour migration dynamics between West Africa and the Gulf which will be included in the stocktaking report.
An annotated list of available international guidance materials and tools as well as a list of relevant international labour standards and human rights instruments, to be presented as an annex of the above methodology and an integral part of the overall study report.
PowerPoint slide deck of up to 20 slides summarizing the results of the assessment to be used in internal and external
Depending on availability of resources and the final work plan, it might be foreseen for the consultant to collect data and initial feedback from relevant stakeholders in the target corridors through a validation/debriefing meeting(s) with the relevant stakeholders to ensure coherence, ownership and This may envision for the consultant preparation of and participation in a regional validation round table.

Category B Consultant hired to deliver the report on a three-instalment payment basis:

First deliverable: A methodology report for the development of the report – Final version to be delivered by email by 30 May 2024
Second deliverable: First Draft of report – Deliverable by email by 1 July 2024
Third deliverable: Final report ready for publication – Deliverable by email by 24 July 2024

The report containing all its elements, chapters and annexes shall be finalized and presented to IOM by or before 1 August 2024. The following milestones shall be respected1:



Draft methodology for assessment to be presented to IOM

27 May 2024

Draft methodology finalized, following IOM comments

30 May 2024

First version of the report to be presented to IOM

1st July 2024

Initial comments by IOM

10 July 2024

Advanced report to be presented to IOM

17 July 2024

Comments on advanced report by IOM

22 July 2024

Final version of the report to be presented to IOM

24 July 2024

Report to be presented to IOM country offices (online)

31 July 2024

1 The timeframe is indicative and will be confirmed / finalized

- Depending on availability of resources and the final work plan, it might be foreseen for the consultant to incorporate feedback from external stakeholders in the target corridor(s) through a consultative meeting(s) in the concerned countries to ensure coherence, ownership and validation.

7. Performance indicators for the evaluation of results

Quality of services delivered in accordance with Terms of Reference.

A methodology report for the development of the
Elaboration of an ecosystem assessment of labour migration to the Gulf along selected corridors focusing on three pilot origin countries in West and Central African countries (Chad, Ghana, Sierra Leone– to be confirmed later) and three destination countries within the GCC (to be confirmed).
Development of an introductory chapter on labour migration dynamics between West Africa and the Gulf which will be included in the stocktaking report.
An annotated list of available international guidance materials and tools as well as a list of relevant international labour standards and human rights instruments, to be presented as an annex of the above methodology and an integral part of the overall study report.
PowerPoint slide deck of up to 20 slides summarizing the results of the assessment to be used in internal and external
Depending on availability of resources and the final work plan, it might be foreseen for the consultant to collect data and initial feedback from relevant stakeholders in the target corridors through a validation/debriefing meeting(s) with the relevant stakeholders to ensure coherence, ownership and This may envision for the consultant preparation of and participation in a regional validation round table.

8. Education, Experience and/or skills required
Master’s degree in social sciences, law, international relations, migration studies or related fields.
Excellent knowledge of labour migration issues in Africa and at least 5-year experience in assisting governments in developing labour migration policies and legislation, bilateral labour agreements and labour migration schemes.
Good knowledge of the UN system and organizational mandates as well as interagency cooperation platforms on
Knowledge of contemporary developments in migration in WCA countries and global processes such as GCM and SDGs.
Knowledge of international labour migration law.
Excellent command in English and French.

9. Travel required

The research will be mainly based on desk research and virtual consultations. Travel can be considered as needed.

10. Competencies


Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural

Encourages diversity and inclusion.

Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of
Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day
Courage: demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of
Empathy: shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators

Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize
Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely Is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own actions and delegated work.
Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open Explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.

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