Offre d'emploi

General Manager

Référence 153157
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 18 Janvier 2025
Offre visitée 338 fois
Direction générale, Management
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Description de l'offre

Job Description General Manager
We are looking for someone with Mass Distribution experience coverage.

• To facilitate the Sales team for achievement of Annual Business Plan (ABP), increase in distribution, visibility and market share.
• Work closely with the sales team for coverage, Distribution and Display objectives in line with Annual Business Plan (ABP).
• Guide the Sales team for establishing Sales Targets – Brand wise – Pack wise as per ABP.
• Help them in breaking the sales and distribution targets Geographically, Monthly, Weekly & Daily.
• Co-ordinate with Sales team and establishing Sales Territory.
• Analyze Stock Movement based on the secondary sales and help them in their inventory planning.
• Regularly up-date on sales trends.
• Regularly up-date on the market developments, opportunities and competition.
• Drive the sales team to focus on channel wise distribution to build distribution, visibility and volumes.
• Have Periodic review on the Progress of Business, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and on Yearly basis.

• Have a Clear focus on Traditional Channels to build Distribution, Visibility and volumes.
• Regularly have financial review with the accounts department to ensure that the Budgeted Top-line and Profit
• Targets are achieved
• Oversee day-to-day business operations.
• Provide leadership at all levels of the organisation
• Define and implement policies and performance standard
• Evaluate employee performance and provide coaching and support as needed
• Ensure compliance with corporate policies, company agreements and relevant legal, health & safety and fiscal regulations
• Develop relationships with relevant government authorities and other organisations in the country and the region to influence policy, regulation, and practices across the client industry.

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  Titre du poste Localité Expiration
Sénégal 18 Janvier
Sénégal 28 Janvier
Sénégal 24 Janvier
Sénégal 20 Janvier
Sénégal 15 Janvier
Sénégal 18 Janvier
Sénégal 21 Janvier
Sénégal 31 Janvier
Sénégal 31 Janvier
Sénégal 17 Janvier
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Édition : Guindo & Co

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