Offre d'emploi

Pub Senjob


Référence 151245
Localisation DAKAR / Sénégal
Expiration 05 Octobre 2024
Offre visitée 204 fois
Informatique, Télécoms, Réseaux
Industrie Informatique, Télécoms, Téléservices
Description de l'offre

You will be joining a fast growing and international team consisted of top-notch senior presales experts being responsible for creating customer centric solutions for Carrier Cloud transformation within telecom operators. You will lead the Business & technical engagements with our CXO level customer counterparts, delivering business values through technical expertise and strategic guidance.

Your main responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to the following:
• Deeply Insight for Carrier Cloud transformation and understand the Cuuret Status and their network
• Proactive engagement with Huawei key accounts to develop corresponding Cloud transformation solutions in terms of workshops and deep dive presales discussions with mid-level to upper customers.
• Support Huawei’s Carrier Cloud marketing and branding activities (CXO-level visits, technology forums, business seminars and customer workshops).
• Responsible for Cloud order and revenue for certian Account and enable Huawei Cloud constantly increase market share
Years of Work Experience: 10+ years

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  Titre du poste Localité Expiration
Sénégal 09 Octobre
Sénégal 15 Octobre
Côte d Ivoire 07 Octobre
Sénégal 16 Octobre
Sénégal 23 Octobre
Sénégal 09 Octobre
Sénégal 05 Octobre
Sénégal 25 Octobre
Sénégal 15 Octobre
Sénégal 17 Octobre
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Édition : Guindo & Co

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