Offre d'emploi

Pub Senjob


Référence 151445
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat Autre
Expiration 23 Octobre 2024
Offre visitée 351 fois
Informatique, Télécoms, Réseaux
Industrie Informatique, Télécoms, Téléservices
Description de l'offre

Responsibility :
1. Familiar with Mobile Money products or related industries, such as banking , mobile payment and finance, and have product development, Solution Architect, integration delivery and maintainance work experience, can support requirement survey, feature clarification, project integration delivery, maintenance and technical management.
2. Or familar with the Infra layer technolegy ,including hosts server, databases, operating systems, networks(switch, router, firewall....), and virtualization containerization
3. Guide and participate in the delivery , maintain projects and be able to handle problems independently, and also can do the delivery work,.like network design, installation, integration, test, and launch; and requirement survey, solution anlysis and clarification, and take responsibility for the success of key projects in the industry/region.
Knowledge and Skills
1. Have the capability of delivery and handling mobile money maintain issues, and be able to output/change project integration delivery solutions.
2. Have good communication and coordination, teamwork skills, and ability to find, analyze, and solve problems. Have a strong sense of responsibility and a proactive working attitude.
3. Have good technical management capabilities. Be able to make end-to-end technical planning for the project team, and organize the project team to identify, manage, and close technical risks.
Business Skills *
1. Strong communication and coordination skills, analysis and problem-solving skills, interpersonal connection and teamwork skills, and strong sense of responsibility
2. Have successful mobile money project delivery and maintan practices, be familiar with the requirements survey, clarification, and issue-solveing and management ability.
3. English can be used as the working language
other requirement
French speaking is preferred.
English Is a must

Coordonnées du recruteur

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Édition : Guindo & Co

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