Offre d'emploi

Country Coordinator

Référence 139003
Localisation BAMAKO / Mali
Type contrat CDD
Expiration 06 Avril 2023
Offre visitée 721 fois
Comptabilité, Finances, Gestion
Juridique, Fiscal, Audit, Conseil
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Description de l'offre

Under the supervision of IMPACT’s Head of Programs in Geneva, the Country Coordinator is responsible for representing IMPACT and managing and developing IMPACT’s programmes in Mali. S/he will lead the IMPACT team to achieve programmes’ excellence and ensure the highest level of impact and accountability, while ensuring compliance with IMPACT guidelines, policies and standards across the mission. S/he is in regular contact with headquarters, ensuring that organizational risks are promptly and clearly communicated to senior management, programme and operations management, and other relevant managers at headquarters. S/he will promote the organizational vision and core values through the mission and actively partner with headquarters to help implement IMPACT’s overall strategies.

In his/her mission, the Country Coordinator will be hosted by ACTED and will fall under the direct responsibility and management of ACTED’s Country Director and his/her delegates for all administrative, security, logistics and finance issues. S/he will therefore fully abide by ACTED’s security, HR, administration and logistics rules and regulations, and support ACTED teams in ensuring that all IMPACT staff abide by them.

Expériences / Formation
Excellent academic qualifications, including a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline (International Relations, Political Sciences, Social Research, Economics, Development Studies, or similar);
Proven track record in successful management of international and national teams in humanitarian contexts;
Excellent analytical skills;
Fluency in both oral and written French, with experience in report writing at a graduate or professional level and excellent drafting skills;
Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment and strong capacity to work in intercultural teams;
Excellent team working and communication skills;
Familiarity with humanitarian and development contexts;
Ability to work independently and with initiative;
Ability to think creatively and use initiative to develop new tools and processes;
Experience in assessments, M&E, field research, evaluations.

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