Offre d'emploi

Acquisition manager

Référence 122009
Localisation Abidjan / Côte d Ivoire
Expiration 12 Novembre 2021
Offre visitée 495 fois
Direction générale, Management
Marketing, Communication
Internet, SSII, Digital
Culture, Art, Événementiel, Loisirs
Description de l'offre

Acquisition manager - Jumia Food (Full time)

umia is a leading e-commerce platform in Africa. It is built around a marketplace, Jumia Logistics, and JumiaPay.
The marketplace helps millions of consumers and sellers to connect and transact.
Jumia Logistics enables the delivery of millions of packages through our network of local partners.
JumiaPay facilitates the payments of online transactions for Jumia's ecosystem.
With over 1 billion people and 500 million internet users in Africa, Jumia believes that e-commerce is making people's lives easier by helping them shop and pay for millions of products at the best prices wherever they live.
E-commerce is also creating new opportunities for SMEs to grow, and job opportunities for a new generation to thrive.
With over 5,000 employees in more than 10 countries in Africa, Jumia is led by top talented leaders offering a great mix of local and international talents and is backed by very high-profile shareholders.
Jumia is committed to creating sustainable impact in Africa.
Jumia offers unique opportunities in a vibrant and booming environment, creating new jobs, new skills, and empowering a new generation.

?Main Responsibilities:
- Design and execute Vendor’s Acquisition Strategy for Mid-tail & Long-tail vendors
- Manage the lead to live process
- Incubate the vendors after live to make sure they are engaged properly
- Ensure all acquisition channels are operating flawlessly and producing the maximum output
- Increase the number of leads
- Grow the number of daily live vendors with maximum number of SKUs
- Create and manage partnerships with external organizations
- Ensure sellers to get active on platform
- A completed master’s degree from an accredited university; An MBA, Business Management degree or relevant
- Proficient in Microsoft Office – Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Email, Internet etc.
- Proficient in Google Office Suite – Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs
- Minimum 3 years commercial experience
- Strong knowledge base of the industry and marketplace
- Strong sales background and capability
- Strong communication and analytical skills
- Excellent communication and persuasive skills.
We offer :
?- A unique experience in an international, entrepreneurial, yet structured environment
- An unparalleled personal and professional improvement as our longer-term objective is to train the next generation of leaders for our future internet service lines
- ?The opportunity to be part of a team full of talented people with the best backgrounds

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