Offre d'emploi

Marketing and Communication Director

Référence 94019
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat CDI
Expiration 16 Juillet 2020
Offre visitée 95 fois
Description de l'offre

Resonance is an innovative international development organization based in the United States that implements projects for donor, commercial, and investor clients globally to create sustainable social impact. We are currently seeking a qualified Marketing and Communication Director for the USAID-funded Senegal Entrepreneurship Promotion and Business Investment Activity. The objective of this activity is to increase sustainable economic opportunities for entrepreneurs and for established companies to increase investment and create employment.


Plans, directs and coordinates mass media awareness campaigns and other communication events;

Develop and implement a program-wide communications strategy and appropriate templates and checklists to support the framework, in line with USAID branding and marking guidelines;

Supervise all external-facing communications projects to guarantee all content is publication-ready in terms of quality and branding requirements and is submitted by the deadline;

Maintains database for contacts among entrepreneurs, SMEs and partners


Seven (7) years of relevant experience in marketing, communications, and/or knowledge management;

Strong proficiency in organizing events, awareness campaigns, social networking, and media campaigns, especially for youth and women through different mass media;

Experience in planning and implementing marketing and communications strategy for a USAID project;

Knowledge management experience as it relates to building and maintaining databases

Ability to effectively translate technical content into digestible materials that is easily understood by diverse audiences;

Ability to work successfully as part of a cross-functional and internationally based team;

Strong written and communications skills;

Fluency (oral and written) in English and French.

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Édition : Guindo & Co

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