Offre d'emploi

French customer care rep

Référence 137929
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat Autre
Expiration 09 Fevrier 2023
Offre visitée 744 fois
Téléservices, Télévente, Service client
Banque, Assurance, Finances
Description de l'offre

We are looking for an enthusiastic Customer Services Representative to join our friendly team at European Ria Headquarters in Alcobendas, Madrid. In this role, you will provide information to our customers about their transactions and resolve general queries they may have.

Your main responsibilities will include but will not be limited to:
Assisting agents or final customers (senders or beneficiaries of money transfers) via telephone and email to resolve their questions and complaints;
Reviewing and correcting data of incorrectly processed transactions;
Maintaining constant communication with the correspondent (paying agent in the country of sending destination) via telephone or email so as to resolve customer complaints;
Collaborating with accounting department to reconcile and balance the refunds of cancelled transactions.
We will require you to have a minimum education of completed high school or college. We will also look for:
Good knowledge of MS Office and Internet Explorer;
At least one year´s work experience in customer services or a call center position;
An additional language;
Strong customer orientation skills;
Excellent communications skills (both oral and written);
Attention to detail;
Good teamworking approach; and
Ability to work flexible schedules.

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  Titre du poste Localité Expiration
Sénégal 10 Mai
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Sénégal 14 Mai
Sénégal 14 Mai
Sénégal 10 Mai
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Édition : Guindo & Co

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