Offre d'emploi

Country Manager

Référence 120307
Localisation Bamako / Mali
Type contrat CDI
Expiration 30 Septembre 2021
Offre visitée 510 fois
Direction générale, Management
Administration, Services généraux
Ingénierie, Etudes, Projets, Recherche
Services et Prestations aux Entreprises
Description de l'offre


BKO Country Manager

Act as the company in country representative, protect the company's interests and ensure the sustainability and the development of the company in Mali.
Act as a cross-functional lead to ensure regional/global initiatives are being properly & timely executed.
Solicit the regional direction team for any support for out of scope of expertise needs
Seek the approval of the regional direction team for any decision impacting the future of the company
Manage every threat or opportunity for the business with the support of the extended regional team
Manage the local employees to ensure the values of the company are understood and carried out by every employee
Assume a permanent due-diligence for legal, finance, tax, HR, security in country
Means a dotted line from all employee towards Country Manager, and Country Manager the go-to guy for the company leaders outside the BKO office.
This applies to all groups represented in the BKO office ? Finance, Supply Chain/Logistics, HR, Commercial, Office Mgmt (direct line).
This includes, but may not be limited, to the following activities

- Sets-up and manages the country weekly operating rhythm.
- Ensures initiatives are tracker & ultimately met.
- Act as the the country office lead, ensures the company values are being abided by. Responsible for the overall workplace mgmt. (safety, company standards, working hours/presence, etc..).
- Reviews & authorize country office spend.
- Report weekly the in-country situation to the regional management team
- Network with the administrations, governmental bodies, employer associations, to promote the interests of the company
- Track and involve regional support for any opportunity to negotiate at a branch or a country level the interests of the company

ensure steady flow of payments to minimize delays & impact on operations (vendors, customs).
Control petty cash management
May also represent the company in the event of Tax/Finance litigations & or disputes with the Authorities, with proper delegation from regional/global groups.

Supply Chain:
follow-through with local & regional SC groups to track & ensure timeliness of sourcing & delivering activities.
Participate in vendor management in country (selection, reference, negotiation) in support of the head of department
Act as troubleshooters in situations involving brokers, freight forwarders ? liaise with Joburg import/export control tower.

act as a relay & support for regional HR in country.
Assists & represents the company in meetings with delegates & labour authorities.

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