Offre d'emploi

Senior Business Consultant

Référence 135682
Localisation Yamoussoukro / Côte d Ivoire
Expiration 26 Novembre 2022
Offre visitée 453 fois
Informatique, Télécoms, Réseaux
Industrie Informatique, Télécoms, Téléservices
Description de l'offre

Description du poste

Job Responsibilities:

1. Explore regional & global telecom trends for deep understanding of Telecom Market opportunities & challenges of market development
2- Collect & Analyze multiple sources of internal and external data to identify high level customer business & network pain points from multiple dimensions including Strategy, Marketing, financial figures, customer experience, services, sales channels & Network evolution.
3- Formulate business and/or Network consulting solutions & recommendations to satisfy customer requirements and solve customer problems in light of customer capabilities & budgets
4- Conduct different forms of customer engagement activities including meetings, workshops& summits to collect customer voice & communicate Huawei solutions with focus on high level decision makers.
5- Prepare engagement materials including analysis, case sharing & recommendations to influence customer buy-in for Huawei consulting solutions
6- Build trust and consensus with internal and external stakeholders towards acceptance of recommended solutions

Profil du poste
The most relevant talents to the job should have:

1. Bachelor degree in Business development and/or telecommunication Engineering or any related study.
2. 5-12 Years of working experience in telecommunication industry or any of the digital related industries including IT/ data center and cloud / B2B services/Digital financial services/ Digital infotainment.
3. working experience in consulting industry and being familiar with consulting approach/methodologies is a plus.
3. Ability to do extensive search to gather, filter, validate and organize information from multiple sources.
4. Strong analytical skills and ability to extract valuable insights and organize them in logical frame works.
5. Excellent capability to use Office tools like Excel, word and power point to output valuable organized documents
6. Very good presentation skills that will enable high level customer engagement in both Technical and/or business domains and influence their thinking & decision making.
7. Fluent English, both verbal and writing; French is a plus
8. Excellent team spirit with good communications and interpersonal skills, able to work well in a fast-paced changing and multi-cultural environment.

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