Offre d'emploi

ReactJs Developer

Référence 136094
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 11 Décembre 2022
Offre visitée 476 fois
Informatique, Télécoms, Réseaux
Industrie Informatique, Télécoms, Téléservices
Description de l'offre

Atos Sénégal is Hiring a ReactJs Developer (H/F)

Attached to the Practice Manager, missions will be:
Challenge technical requirements of the project;
Act as a bridge between customer and development team;
Help new comers to integrate the project;
Assist other developers when the face issues;
Design and develop functionalities and modules for critical applications;
Contribute to all phases of the development cycle;
Write well-designed, testable and efficient code;
Ensure that designs meet specifications;
Prepare and produce versions of software components;
To support continuous improvement by seeking replacement solutions and technologies and presenting them for architectural review.

Job requirements :
ReactJS, HTML5, CSS3, Angular, Softskills, Agile, GIT, Docker, Unit Tests, CI/CD, Postman, IntelliJ;
Minimum 3 years of experience;
Master’s degree in computer science, engineering or a related discipline.

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  Titre du poste Localité Expiration
Sénégal 30 Mai
Sénégal 31 Mai
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Édition : Guindo & Co

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