Offre d'emploi

Freelance Flutter Developer

Référence 129660
Localisation À distance / Sénégal
Expiration 31 Mai 2022
Offre visitée 619 fois
Internet, Web, Digital, Multimédia
Informatique, Télécoms, Réseaux
Industrie Informatique, Télécoms, Téléservices
Internet, SSII, Digital
Description de l'offre

General Information:
About the job

Toptal freelancers work with speed and efficiency to deliver the highest quality of work. We are looking for someone who is passionate about their client’s business, and ready to work on exciting projects with Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley startups, with great rates and zero hassles. If you are looking for a place to advance your career, enhance your skill set, and build connections around the globe, Toptal is right for you.

About Toptal

Toptal is an exclusive network of top freelancers from around the world. Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley startups hire Toptal for their most important projects. Toptal is one of the fastest-growing fully remote networks and empowers freelance software developers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers worldwide to grow and excel in their freelance careers.

Toptal clients vary in sizes and industries, from enterprise organizations and big tech companies to Silicon Valley startups and renowned universities. Once you enter the network, our matchers will contact you with project opportunities that fit your expertise and preferences. We have experts in over 120 countries who get to work remotely on projects that meet their career ambitions.

About the role
We are looking for a Flutter Developer (independent contractor) responsible for developing high performance and high-quality mobile applications for Android or iOS. You will also have to test applications and be involved in their deployment.

- English language proficiency
- 3+ years of professional experience in software development
- Strong experience building mobile apps with Flutter
- Project management skills
- A keen attention to detail
- Experience with system architecture or leading a software team is a strong advantage
- Full-time availability is a strong advantage

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