Offre d'emploi

Regional Cash & Markets Specialist

Référence 137634
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 10 Fevrier 2023
Offre visitée 772 fois
Comptabilité, Finances, Gestion
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Banque, Assurance, Finances
Description de l'offre

What we do
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and armed violence. We take action in response to emergencies and at the same time promote respect for international humanitarian law. We are an independent and neutral organization, and our mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. We work closely with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and with their International Federation in order to ensure a concerted, rational and rapid humanitarian response to the needs of the victims of armed conflict or any other situation of internal violence. We direct and coordinate the international activities conducted in these situations.

The Regional Cash & Markets Specialist provides remote and in-country technical support to ICRC Delegations in West Africa on the feasibility, design, planning, implementation and monitoring of cash & market-based interventions, thus contributing to appropriate and effective assistance for conflict-affected populations. The position is hosted by the Economic Security Unit (EcoSec) but provides support to all Units of the Protection and Essential Services Department (ie: Protection, EcoSec, Wash & Shelter, Health and Weapon Contamination). The incumbent helps these Units identify opportunities to initiate or scale up Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). Under the technical supervision of both the HQ EcoSec Income & Markets Specialist and the CVA Institutional Lead, the incumbent contributes to the policies, thematic and technical guidance on cash & market-based programming, including CVA, Micro Economic Initiatives, market support and Value Chain Development.

The position holder reports to the Regional Head of Affairs based in Dakar. Internally, in addition to the close collaboration with the HQ reference persons, the incumbent consistently engages with regional Specialists based in Dakar and with regional Specialists on cash & markets based in other regions. At delegation level, s/he supports mobile and resident Cash & Markets Specialists, Coordinators from the different Protection and Essential Services Units and Support Services (Logistics, Finance and IT).
Externally, the incumbent contributes to representing ICRC within the International Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement and its technical working groups. Regional networking: actively participates in the Regional Cash Working Group for West Africa; represents the ICRC in other regional technical working groups, meetings, fora and coordination platforms relevant to cash & market-based programming. S/he engages with other international and national humanitarian and development actors on cash & markets in West Africa. When deployed, s/he engages with key external stakeholders, including national and local authorities, RCRC Movement partners, as well as private sector actors, in line with the host Delegation strategy.

General Duties
• Understands and adheres to the seven Fundamental Principles of the International RCRC Movement
• Understands and adheres to the ICRC Code of Conduct
• Understands the roles of the components of the International RCRC Movement
• Respects and observes staff regulations and security rules at all times
• Represents the ICRC in a professional manner at all times
• Develops and maintains a pleasant and conducive working environment with colleagues and line managers
• Performs all duties with the highest level of confidentiality in the interest of the employees and the ICRC
• May be asked to perform tasks not covered in this job description and to provide support to other departments when necessary

Accountabilities & Functional responsibilities
Global and regional thematic issues
(focus on EcoSec market-based programming + multisector CVA + sectoral CVA outside EcoSec)

• Contribute to the development of technical guidance on market analysis, CVA, Micro Economic Initiatives (MEI), market support and Value Chain Development (VCD).
• Conduct research and write technical and policy briefs on thematic areas in West Africa aligned with the ICRC institutional Strategy and regional strategic priorities.
• Collaborate with the Analysis & Evidence Unit to monitor and provide regular regional situation analysis to the Regional Management and the EcoSec Unit on cash & markets in West Africa.
• Disseminate practical information on market analysis and cash & market-based interventions to relevant staff.
• Support the Cash Institutionalization process and the operationalisation of multi-disciplinary approach using CVA both within and outside EcoSec.
• Collaborate with fellow Regional Specialists (both EcoSec and non-EcoSec) to develop common projects and Protection outcomes to enhance the ICRC’s response to affected populations.
• Contribute to updating or developing specific CVA institutional guidance and Standard Operating Procedures, thematic research and reviews (e.g. on data protection, digital payment solutions, Social protection, etc.).
• Actively participate in the ICRC Communities of Practice on “CVA” and on “Income & Markets”.
• Contribute to the organization of workshops relevant to cash & market-based programming.

Accountabilities & Functional responsibilities – cont.
Operational Support in West Africa (field and desk)
• Closely work with and support the ICRC delegation Cash & Markets Specialists or focal points to ensure quality and coherence in the design and implementation of cash & market-based interventions along the project cycle; review project proposals when required.
• Provide inputs to the EcoSec Strategic and Operational plans, recommending specific market analysis and market-based approaches when and where relevant.
• Promote harmonized and multidisciplinary response through a common modality (eg: multipurpose cash)
• Advocate for improved methods for strengthening accountability to conflict-affected people.
• Review and support the assessment of existing social protection systems for potential linkage with CVA.
• Provide remote and in-country technical support to ICRC Delegations on:
• Market system analysis and market-based interventions including sectoral CVA (eg: Cash for Livelihoods), MEI, market support and VCD (focus on EcoSec)
• Rapid market assessment for immediate & basic needs and multisector CVA, including multipurpose cash, linking CVA with Social
• Protection and common delivery mechanism (focus on multisector CVA)
• Specific market assessment outside EcoSec and sectoral CVA (eg: Cash for Health; Cash for Shelter)
• Carry out short-term support missions to ICRC delegations based on their needs and requests.
• Support (or lead when required) CVA feasibility studies and assessments of markets and Financial Service Providers (FSP), focusing on immediate basic needs, such as food and Non-Food Items, rental, medicine, in close collaboration with the relevant technical Units.
• Collaborate with Logistics Cash & Markets Specialists to determine best fit-for-purpose payment solutions; collaborate with Support Services (Logistics, Finance and IT) to set-up or update CVA delivery mechanisms, internal systems and processes at delegation level
• Model best practices for data protection by contributing to the Delegation Data Protection Impact Assessment
• Evaluate other CVA-related risks and propose mitigation measures.
• Support the design of data collection to identify, authenticate, and register affected people for CVA.
• Support (or lead when required) the design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of cash & market-based interventions, including the contextualisation of Standard Operating Procedures.
• Recommend ways to integrate market aspects and indicators into monitoring systems.
• Initiate and support the set-up and implementation of CVA preparedness plans and activities.
• Provide technical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of cash & market-based interventions; conduct reviews of cash & market-based interventions at delegation level.
• Identify needs for in-depth market system analysis and suggest potential methodological approaches.
• Support (or lead when required) the analysis of key market systems in the agri-food sector, labour, housing, water, waste management and energy in collaboration with the HQ EcoSec Income & Markets Specialist and other experts, in order to inform more structural market-based interventions.
• HR: Support the recruitment of resident Cash & Markets Specialists and ensure their onboarding.
• Knowledge management: Support the documentation of internal lessons learnt and good practices on cash & market-based interventions, promote information sharing on experiences and disseminate relevant information with key internal and external stakeholders.
• Systems: Engage with Logistics, Finance and Management departments to ensure smooth coordination and information sharing according to Standard Operating Procedures..

Capacity Building
• Lead capacity building on cash & market-based programming in West Africa, including market analysis, MEI, market support and VCD (with support from the HQ reference specialists and the Cash & Markets Specialists at delegation level).
• Collaborate with the EcoSec Learning and Development focal points to embed market-based programming in new EcoSec training modules.
• Assess the training needs of resident and mobile staff as well as of partners (e.g. National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies), based on their expected tasks, responsibilities and competencies.
• Identify internal talents, and suggest ways to strengthen their capacities (training, mentoring, exposure missions, deployments…)
• Conduct CVA self-assessment and gap analysis for an ICRC sub-delegation or NS branch and support plan of action to improve CVA readiness and operations.
• Organise and facilitate existing trainings on market analysis and cash & market-based programming at regional and delegation levels based on identified needs.
• Support the roll-out and delivery of recently developed training materials on market-based programming (including MEI and value chain development) at regional and delegation levels (online and in-country).
• Contribute to the development and piloting of new training materials for ICRC units that recently started using cash & market-based approaches.
• Identify possibly other ways (outside formal training) of building staff members’ skills, such as field visits or missions in other Delegations.
• Provide coaching and mentoring to Cash & Markets specialists or Cash focal points in Delegations.
• While deployed to lead on a technical assignment (eg: market assessment; data protection impact assessment), make sure that ICRC delegation staff members are fully involved in order to « learn-on-the-job ».
• Closely collaborate with the HQ reference persons in updating and co-facilitating RCRC Movement cash & markets trainings within ICRC and the RCRC Movement (eg: Practical Cash Transfers in Emergencies Trainings – PECT and Market Assessment and Analysis Training – MAAT)
• Organizes orientation sessions on cash & market-based programming for non-Specialists including ICRC senior managers and internal and external key stakeholders.

People management responsibilities
Acts as technical supervisor for mobile and resident C&M Specialists

Scope & Impact
Geographical remit: based in Dakar with up to 60% support missions in West Africa. The incumbent will contribute to the delivery of training on cash & markets outside West Africa (mostly in Nairobi and in Europe)

Education and Experience Required
• Master-level or above in Development Economics, International Relations, Humanitarian Affairs, or in a technical domain related to cash & market-based programming
• At least 7 years of practical field and hands-on experience in implementing relief and recovery interventions in various humanitarian contexts internationally, including 3-4 years of experience in:
• Designing and directly implementing different types of CVA (Officer role)
• Supervising, coordinating and supporting CVA (technical advisor or Programme manager)
• Leading market system analysis including labour market and value chain analysis and providing technical recommendations for project and programme implementation
• Designing and implementing market-based interventions such as MEI, Income Generating Activities, VCD and small business support in conflict-affected environments
• Experience in supporting social protection systems in fragile contexts.
• Experience in using market system development approaches (e.g.: Making Markets Work for the Poor/M4P) and supporting or implementing market-based interventions in post-conflict and economic recovery contexts
• Experience in capacity building, development of training material, facilitation of workshops and trainings for participants at different levels of expertise
• Experience working on transversal issues and supporting programmes in different sectors (Food Security, Nutrition & Livelihoods, Protection, WASH, Shelter and Health)
• Advanced computer skills in MicroSoft Office programs, particularly Excel.
• At least 3 years’ international experience (outside of the candidate’s home country)
• The position is regional and covers several countries. A very good command of French and English is required.

What we offer
• Rewarding work in a rich, multicultural and expansive operational humanitarian organisation;
• Attractive employment package and social benefits: a salary paid on a basis of thirteen months, medical and accident coverage etc.;
• Annual paid leave: 20–27.5 days (depending on age);
• Accommodation provided and financed by ICRC when deployed internationally;
• One paid return ticket home every year;
• ICRC staff integration course and opportunities for further in-house trainings and career opportunities with ICRC;
• All assignments are categorized into four levels of hardship, some of which are compensated with financial incentives and extra leave.

Additional information
• Type of Position: Mobile (Regional)
• Contract: Open-Ended Contract
• Working Rate: 100%
• Length of Assignment: 24 Months (up to 48 months extendable)
• Starting Date: Ideally July 2023
• Application Deadline: 19.02.2023

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