Offre d'emploi

Assistant Analyste Financier

Référence 139849
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat CDD
Expiration 17 Avril 2023
Offre visitée 840 fois
Comptabilité, Finances, Gestion
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Description de l'offre

The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID, is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide personal services under contract as described in this solicitation.

Offers must be in accordance with Attachment 1of this solicitation. Incomplete or unsigned offers will not be considered. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records.

This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAIDto pay any cost incurred ni the preparation and submission of the offers.

Any questions must be directed ni writing to the Point of Contact specified in the attached

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Sénégal 15 Aout
Sénégal 28 Juillet
Sénégal 05 Aout
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Édition : Guindo & Co

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