Offre d'emploi

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Sales Manager at SANY Sénégal

Référence 151818
Localisation Almadies - Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat CDD
Expiration 04 Novembre 2024
Offre visitée 111 fois
Métiers BTP, Bureau d'étude, Immobilier
Marketing, Communication
BTP, Construction, Immobilier, Urbanisme, Archi.
Communication, Marketing, Médias
Description de l'offre

We are seeking a dedicated and organized individual to join our team as a Sales Manager. The ideal candidate will be fluent in Chinese, English and French and will assist in effectively communicating with team members and clients.

Responsibilities :
- Present products, negotiate and conclude sales in order to develop turnover and profitability
- Ensure prospecting, monitoring and customer loyalty
- Monitor current business and periodically communicate developments to your superior
- Ensure sales monitoring and provide the necessary commercial solutions
- Manage after-sales service (technical assistance, etc.)
- Keep the customer file up to date
- Ensure commercial negotiations and sales profitability


- Proven experience as a Machine Sales Representative
- Excellent knowledge of sales techniques
- Perfect knowledge of the company's products and services
- Good knowledge of the machinery and equipment distribution sector
- Good experience in commercial prospecting
- Sense of negotiation and analysis

Bachelor degree in Marketing, Communication, Commerce, with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the Sale of Machinery or in a similar position.

Submit your resume outlining your relevant experience and bilingual skills to sany with the subject line Application for the position of Sales manager Sany Senegal.

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