Offre d'emploi

Feild Marketing Associate

Référence 152661
Salaire 300,000/ mois
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Type contrat Autre
Expiration 31 Décembre 2024
Offre visitée 639 fois
Marketing, Communication
Santé, Social, Sport
Description de l'offre

The Field Marketing Associate will be responsible for managing offline marketing campaigns and supporting the Sales team to generate and close opportunities. Reporting to the Head of Demand Generation, this role also involves close collaboration with the digital and brand marketing teams. 
Develop and execute strategic marketing initiatives in coordination with regional Sales team stakeholders 
Plan and oversee events, webinars, and out-of-home campaigns, including outdoor media and radio 
Conduct post-event follow-ups to maximize engagement and lead generation 
Evaluate marketing performance and provide insightful reports to the commercial group 
Manage relationships with media agencies to optimize campaign effectiveness 
Leverage account-based marketing campaigns to target and raise awareness within sales’ target account lists 
Utilize Zoho Analytics to monitor lead progression and obtain feedback for continuous improvement 
Manage relationship with Sales team to understand which marketing tactics are working, anecdotal market feedback and any support requirements in the field

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Édition : Guindo & Co

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