Offre d'emploi

Africa Legal Coordinator

Référence 110372
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 15 Fevrier 2021
Offre visitée 375 fois
Juridique, Fiscal, Audit, Conseil
Ingénierie, Etudes, Projets, Recherche
Organisation non gouvernementale, Association
Description de l'offre

About the Position

We are seeking a dynamic, experienced bilingual advocate to serve as our Africa Legal Coordinator, advancing IDI’s casework and capacity building activities in the sub-Saharan Africa region.
In close collaboration with our Global Legal and Policy team, the Africa Legal Coordinator works with our civil society partners in the region to support communities threatened by harmful investment projects in the mining, energy, industrial and agribusiness sectors.
In cases in which IDI is currently engaged in Guinea, Liberia, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the coordinator plays an instrumental role in building the capacity of community partners to engage effectively in non-judicial grievance redress processes and advocate for their rights with a range of actors, including government authorities, corporations, financiers, and investors.
The Africa Legal Coordinator manages IDI’s Africa team and reports to the Legal and Policy Director.

We have a preference for candidates based in Francophone West Africa, but we will consider all qualified candidates no matter where on the African continent they are based.

Responsibilities :
- Coordinate strategic, administrative, and logistical aspects of cases where IDI is accompanying local advocates and communities seeking redress, including:
- Supervising IDI’s small Africa team to ensure relevant expertise and knowledge is integrated into IDI’s casework in Africa.
- Facilitating good communication, coordination and cooperation between partners on cases.
- Providing mentoring support to reinforce the capabilities of local civil society partners to support communities.
- In collaboration with the Africa and Global Legal and Policy team, support community and local civil society partners to develop and implement advocacy strategies. This may include:
- Explaining international advocacy options, their potential benefits and risks.
- Facilitating strategy decisions.
- Fact-finding to obtain evidence for complaints to grievance redress mechanisms and publications.
- Accompanying partners throughout complaints processes, including preparing them for and supporting them in mediations with companies.
- Monitoring and reporting outcomes on the ground.
- Promote IDI’s Follow the Money Initiative in the region and support the communication between the - Research team and local organizations requesting our research and advice, as needed.
- Support the Global Legal and Policy team to incorporate lessons learned from casework into IDI’s policy research and advocacy.
- Initiate, organize and facilitate workshops, webinars and other training events in the region.
- Represent IDI in meetings, conferences and other events.
- Network and develop strong collaborative relationships with grassroots advocates, public interest lawyers, social movements, NGOs, and members of the academic community working to advance corporate and development finance accountability in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Support IDI’s donor commitments, including grant proposals and reports, and contribute to fundraising efforts in the region.

Qualifications :
- A degree in law or an advanced degree in a relevant field
- At least 5 years of work experience in the field of business and human rights, environmental justice, corporate accountability, finance, or a related field.
- Strong commitment to human rights and social justice
- Experience managing a small team in geographically dispersed locations and working as part of an international team.
- Excellent communication, advocacy, and negotiation skills.
- Experience working with communities affected by harmful investment projects and facilitating community-led strategy development and decision-making.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and comfortable both engaging respectfully with local communities and advocating with large corporations and financial institutions to represent community interests.
- From the region or substantial experience working in Africa.
- Able to travel frequently to remote locations in various countries across the continent and elsewhere, as needed.
- Patience and strong ability to balance competing priorities and objectives both within and outside of the organization.
- Fluency in English and French
- Proficiency in MS Office applications

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